
The MATERSPEC Company was established on 1 October 1991.

The chief founder and simultaneously the joint owner of the Company, Jan Kulpiński, Dr Eng., has long-term experience in the research and manufacturing of self-lubricating materials.

29m_budynekThe owner of the MATERSPEC Company is the author and co-author of a number of interesting patents in the field of development of new PTFE based materials and equipment for their manufacturing.

During the first decade of development the MATERSPEC Company gained the Customers' approbation on the domestic market.

Having continuously improved their crew and acquired new experience the company became stable and trustworthy.
Our products received the highest quality and price appraisals.

Our efforts in continuous improvement of the manufacturing process was crowned by the award of the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Certificate on 25 September 2003 and the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Certificate as of 2008. Ms. Joanna Kurek, joint owner of the Company is the person responsible for the Quality System operation.

In November 2011 the MATERSPEC was distinguished in the 4th edition of the "MY ATTITUDE TO BUSINESS" Competition.

When choosing the winner the jury took into account such aspects as i.a.: motivation for launching a proprietary company, overcoming problems, innovation and development planning. The aspects liable to assessment included i.a. the level of activity and the owner's involvement in the company operation and its environmental impact, with particular focus on new job generation.